Bedrooms. Our bedrooms are absolutely OUT OF CONTROL!! I need some Martha in our bedrooms.
My bedroom is the Dump Site of the house; the place where everything and anything that we have no place for gets put. I desperately need to help the boys to get their room organized and to get my own room organized. I already helped one daughter clear out a previous daughter’s leftovers so she can actually FIT into the room.
A major problem we have with bedrooms are the walls and floors. The plaster walls are falling apart. One bedroom actually has about 7 holes in the plaster (as in the size of books). My room has paper on top of paper and it is all peeling. I have 1930s ‘oil cloth’ on my floor covered by an area rug that has seen better days. The boys have soft floorboards with a couple of patched holes in them (not sure if they were vents or what) and an area rug that covers very little area. The girls’ room has carpet that is like one large pill ball and has no padding.
I always feel that they are so incredibly ugly that, no matter what, you can never tell how tidy and organized the bedrooms are.
BUT that will not stop me from getting them thoroughly organized this year!
I will start first with the boys’ room. 3 boys in 1 small-ish room CAN become a place of order. I think it can, I think it can, I think it can! This week, we’ll begin with the closet and dresser.
- pare down the amount of clothes
- hang all shirts
- clean out shelves in closet and resort toys/games
- get rid of dress-up clothes (this will be a traumatic thing for ALL our children as they still do plays and use the dress-up clothes for costumes)
- organize all dresser drawers
I’d love to hear your suggestions and thoughts. Help me Put on Martha.
Blogs I might be linking to:
Menu Planning Monday, On The Menu Monday, Erin Branscoms, Marital Oneness, The Better Mom, Multitudes on Monday, Hear it On Sunday, Sharing His Bounty, What Joy Is Mine, Playdates at the Well, Back to School Monday, Domestically Divine Tuesdays, Time Warp Wife, Funky Planet Frequent Flier Club, Encourage One Another, Living Well Wednesdays, The Welcoming House, Legacy Leaver Thursday, What’s Up Wednesday, Thought Provoking Thursday, Hearts 4 Home, Thankful Thursday, First Day of My Life , Thankful Thursdays, Thankful, Thankful Thursday Brown-eyed Bell(e), Big Family Fridays, Faith Filled Fridays, Feasting In Fellowship Friday, Homemaking Link-up Week-end, A Little R&R
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