Well, today at noon begins our spring break. I was planning on doing some nice deep cleaning this week. We are a little behind as I’ve been dealing with a minor physical trial that has kept me off my feet, for all intents and purposes. But we are going to do a jump start today because…
Hannah’s fiance is coming to visit us!
Company is always such a good push for cleaning, don’t you think? And with the return of our eldest daughter, we’ve been playing Musical Bedrooms, which always leaves one child sleeping on the couch downstairs. But that’s where Jacob will be sleeping so we’ve got to organize just a bit better.
- The larger girls’ bedroom upstairs will be tidied (it is covered with one daughter’s photography equipment) and a mattress put on the floor. That will be our temporary fix for the next 3 1/2 months. Not the best, perhaps, but it is the cheapest alternative for us. And a mattress is easier to move than a whole bed when we need to.
- We have GOT to do something to organize Hannah’s … um … STUFF! We have boxes and large bins and bags spreading out in the laundry room. It seems that no matter how I tame it, this stuff breaks out of its boundaries and spreads like chicken pox! BUT that’s not all! She also has 3 large bins — oops, make that 4 — at the top of the stairs. It is quite possible that much of that will actually be tossed, but she needs to actually go through it.
So, these are the 2 ways I’m putting on Martha today (and tomorrow). We WILL conquer the laundry room (not even touching the stair landing) and we will get the bedroom ordered enough for a mattress.
Next week we’ll be able to take on 2 rooms to spring clean. One will be the kitchen and the other will be my bedroom. But for today, I’ll enjoy putting on a little bit of Martha.
How about you? Do you need a touch of Martha? I’d love to hear what’s going on in your home!
Blogs I might be linking to:
Menu Planning Monday, On The Menu Monday, Erin Branscoms, Marital Oneness, The Better Mom, Multitudes on Monday, Hear it On Sunday, Sharing His Bounty, What Joy Is Mine, Playdates at the Well, Back to School Monday, Domestically Divine Tuesdays, Time Warp Wife, Funky Planet Frequent Flier Club, Encourage One Another, Living Well Wednesdays, The Welcoming House, Legacy Leaver Thursday, What’s Up Wednesday, Thought Provoking Thursday, Hearts 4 Home, Thankful Thursday, First Day of My Life , Thankful Thursdays, Thankful, Thankful Thursday Brown-eyed Bell(e), Big Family Fridays, Faith Filled Fridays, Feasting In Fellowship Friday, Fellowship Friday, Homemaking Link-up Week-end, A Little R&R, Pieces of Amy
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