This week in my Time For Martha series, I’ll be looking at my weekly chore list.
We have daily chores that everyone does:
- everyone has a room downstairs that gets tidied and vacuumed/swept every day
- everyone has Team Work in the kitchen that gets done every day
But, I’ve never been consistent with weekly chores, Martha has never been my strength. The children and I normally do a monthly deep clean in a room (our school schedule is three weeks on, one week off and on our off week we deep clean a different room), but those weekly chores sort of get done when I get around to it.
Not Any More!
I’ve come up with a tentative schedule for my needs that I’ve begun implementing this past week. It looks like this:
- Monday: grocery shopping
- Tuesday: bathrooms/weekly baking
- Wednesday: bedrooms/hallway
- Thursday: laundry
- Friday: kitchen
- Saturday: living room/den
- Sunday: menu planning
I’m still in the midst of figuring out all that I want to accomplish each week, more ways to Put On Martha. I’m also hoping that keeping on top of the deeper maintenance each week will allow our once-a-month deep cleaning to give me more room to actually get some things fixed or re-decorated.
How do YOU order your weekly cleaning? I’d love to hear your input.
Other posts in the Martha Series.
Blogs I might be linking to:
Menu Planning Monday, On The Menu Monday, Erin Branscoms, Marital Oneness, The Better Mom, Multitudes on Monday, Hear it On Sunday, Sharing His Bounty, What Joy Is Mine, Playdates at the Well, Back to School Monday, Domestically Divine Tuesdays, Time Warp Wife, Funky Planet Frequent Flier Club, Encourage One Another, Living Well Wednesdays, The Welcoming House, Legacy Leaver Thursday, What’s Up Wednesday, Thought Provoking Thursday, Hearts 4 Home, Thankful Thursday, First Day of My Life , Thankful Thursdays, Thankful, Thankful Thursday Brown-eyed Bell(e), Big Family Fridays, Faith Filled Fridays, Feasting In Fellowship Friday, Homemaking Link-up Week-end, A Little R&R
The post Time to Put on Martha appeared first on Teaching What Is Good.