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Putting on some Martha


It seems kind of odd to be putting on Martha on a Sunday when I’m supposed to be all about Mary, but I think putting on Martha CAN be a spiritual thing if it’s led by the Spirit. And for this Unorganized Olga, putting on some Martha allows me get in touch with the orderly part of the Lord and express His character through that order.

Today I’m going to share one thing I’ve been working through, thinking about and praying about for my coming semester. As a homeschooling family with a husband in academia, our home functions on the semester system!

Our dishes get out of control very fast!

We don’t have a dishwasher (well, not one that has ever worked, and we’ve been here for 16 years). And as the children have gotten bigger, our kitchen does not comfortably fit everyone (our table does, but our kitchen does not) so we tend to spread out for meals. I will confess that this means children tend to leave dishes all around or stacked in the sink, unwashed. Everyone is self-deceived believes that they actually DO wash all their dishes, but those pesky gnomes take them out of the cabinets, spread dried food on them and stack them on the counters, sink and stove. This is an area of FOCUS for this year!


Every time dishes are found anywhere other than washed in the dish drainer, EVERYBODY loses one entire day of electronic privileges. The children have permission to *get after* anyone who has left a plate or cup unwashed and anywhere other than the dish drainer. They may even come to Kevin and I with, “Mom (or Dad), you were planning on washing that, right?”

Normally, I wash and the children put away (depending on whose chore it is) although there are times when we do this differently and the children all take turns washing. But as they’ve gotten older and we seldom all eat at the same time or are around to do those chores because of busy schedules, this has become an issue for me.

I’m going to mark down on my calendar 1 week from now, 1 month from now and at the end of the semester to evaluate how this is going. I’ll let you know how we are doing.

So how does your kitchen function? Hopefully better than mine! I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Blogs I might be linking to:
Menu Planning Monday, On The Menu Monday, Erin Branscoms, Marital Oneness, The Better Mom, Multitudes on Monday, Hear it On Sunday, Sharing His Bounty, What Joy Is Mine, Playdates at the Well, Back to School Monday, Domestically Divine Tuesdays, Time Warp Wife, Funky Planet Frequent Flier Club, Encourage One Another, Living Well Wednesdays, The Welcoming House, Legacy Leaver Thursday, What’s Up Wednesday, Thought Provoking Thursday, Hearts 4 Home, Thankful Thursday, First Day of My Life , Thankful Thursdays, Thankful, Thankful Thursday Brown-eyed Bell(e), Big Family Fridays, Faith Filled Fridays, Feasting In Fellowship Friday, Homemaking Link-up Week-end, A Little R&R

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